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React Animate Height Animate Height Changes Smoothly

React-Animate-Height: Animate Height Changes Smoothly


React-animate-height is a lightweight React component that allows you to animate height changes smoothly.


  • Supports custom and predefined easing functions
  • Delays, durations, decay factors, and spring constants can be tweaked
  • Uses CSS transitions for performance


To use react-animate-height, install it using npm:

``` npm i react-animate-height ```

Then, import it into your React component:

```javascript import AnimatedHeight from 'react-animate-height'; ```

You can then use the AnimatedHeight component to animate the height of any element:

```javascript {expanded ?
Expanded content
: null}

The duration prop specifies the duration of the animation in milliseconds. You can also pass in other props to customize the animation, such as easing, delay, and springConfig.
